From "Jerushalayim D'Lita" and Back (Wilno, "Jerusalem of Lithuania") testimony.


From "Jerushalayim D'Lita" and Back (Wilno, "Jerusalem of Lithuania") testimony.

Consists of a copy of a survivor testimony entitled "From 'Jerusalayim D'Lita' and Back (Wilno, 'Jerusalem of Lithuania')" written by William Z. Good. The testimony describes Good's experience as a child in Niemenczyn, USSR, persecution by Poles, his narrow escape from an execution in Ponary, hiding in forest and homes of Poles during the Holocaust, and his return to Wilno and Niemenczyn after 43 years. Also included are several photocopies of Gdud family photographs through the years and an article from a Russian language newspaper in Vilnius, Lithuania, concerning hes return to Wilno. The article is accompanied by an English translation.

.25 in.



Related Entities

There are 7 Entities related to this resource.

Paszkowska, Felicja. (person)

Kopelowicz, Chana. (person)

Good, William Z. (person)

William Good, formerly Vovka Gdud, was born in the village of Stolpce, Poland, on 24 Apr 1924. He later moved with his family to Niemenzyzn near Wilno. He was educated in various Jewish schools in the area of Wilno, Poland. His mother and brother were killed by the Russians during the Holocaust. Good and his father survived by hiding in the forests and in homes of non-Jewish Poles. Good presently resides in West Covina, California. From the description of From "Jerushalayim D'Lita" a...

Good, Pearl (person)

Gdud, Dov Ber. (person)

Good, William (Gdud, Vovka) (person)

Soviet Union Narodnyî komissariat vnutrennikh del. (corporateBody)